LIFELONG LEARNING - Learning occurs throughout life. Individuals, businesses, public and private agencies share in the responsibility of educating through formal and informal opportunities. All members of the community are providing lifelong learning opportunities for learners of all ages, backgrounds, and needs.
SELF-DETERMINATION - Community members have a right and a responsibility to be involved in determining community needs and identifying community resources that can be used to address those needs.
SELF-HELP - People are best served when their capacity to help themselves is acknowledged and developed. When people assume responsibility for their own well-being, they build independence and become part of the solution.
LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT - The training of local leaders in such skills as problem solving, decision making, and group process is an essential component of successful self-help and improvement efforts.
INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIVENESS - Public institutions exist to serve the public and are obligated to develop programs and services that address continuously changing public needs and interests.
INTEGRATED DELIVERY OF SERVICES - Organizations and agencies that operate for the public and are obligated to develop programs and services that address continuously changing public needs and interests.
DECENTRALIZATION - Services, programs, and other community involvement opportunities that are closest to people's homes have the greatest potential for high levels of public participation. Whenever possible, these activities should be available in locations with easy public access.
COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT - Leadership opportunities are provided to a diverse population, to enable community members to be actively involved in democratic decision-making and to promote a sense of civic responsibility.
EFFICIENT USE OF RESOURCES - Schools and the community's physical, financial, and human resources are used to address the community's needs, therefore reducing duplication of services and promoting collaborative effort.